Maybe you had a bad experience with your last Pap smear and you’re wary of going back to the ob-gyn. Or maybe you’ve never had one before and are scared…
Day: October 3, 2024
Does Face Yoga Really Work?
Yoga practitioners know that poses like downward-facing dog, warrior, bridge, and others can improve flexibility, reduce stress, and build strength in your body. Face yoga can offer similar benefits for…
THCB Gang Episode 140, Friday October 4
OK we are really back.! Following last weeks special with the Women Healthcare Leaders for Progress, the “regular” THCBGang is coming back for the Fall, mostly but not always at…
Therapists Share the 1 Tip That’s Changed Their Lives
Being a therapist means listening to a lot of clients’ problems. Between their schooling, reading, continuing-education requirements, workplace mentors, general curiosity, and learnings from patients, therapists are full of practical…
How 5 Influencers With IBD Are Fighting Stigma
Although some health conditions are spoken about with more nuance and understanding than in the past, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) hasn’t seemed to make that list yet, even though the…
Why It’s Time to Uncouple Obstetrics and Gynecology
What we’ve come to recognize as the modern OB-GYN specialty first emerged in the early 20th century when obstetrics and gynecology—separate and distinct fields until that time—were combined to offer…
Commonly asked questions about RVT’s
The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society has some wonderful Registered Veterinary Technicians (RVTs) employed within our organization. October is RVT Month and we are excited to have a whole month…
Black History Month 2024: Dr Bashir Bolaji Tiamiyu
For Black History Month 2024, the British Ecological Society (BES) journals are celebrating the work of Black ecologists around the world and sharing their stories. In this blog, Dr Bashir…
Midwest study finds solar farms don’t hurt property values — and they may even boost them
A newly published study examining property values near dozens of large Midwest solar farms has found no significant negative impact – and even a slight positive effect – from the…