Risky Business: Greenpeace report reveals Woodside’s history of environmental neglect 

SYDNEY, Wednesday 23 October 2024 — A report from Greenpeace Australia Pacific released today catalogues gas corporation Woodside’s troubling history of environmental neglect, as evidence mounts that its Burrub Hub gas project is too risky to proceed.

‘Risky Business: Woodside’s Burrup Hub is a disaster in the making’ documents Woodside’s concerning environmental track record including oil spills, a whale calf collision, and poor infrastructure management. If approved, the Burrup Hub would emit 6.1 billion tonnes of climate pollution over its lifetime and jeopardise threatened species like the recently-listed dusky sea snake

The report comes as Greenpeace returns to the Federal Court today for the next stage in its legal case against Woodside, alleging the fossil fuel company misled shareholders about its climate performance and plans to decarbonise. 

Joe Rafalowicz, Head of Climate and Energy at Greenpeace Australia Pacific, said with at least six major incidents in the last decade, the evidence against Woodside is undeniable.

“Our report speaks for itself — Woodside’s Burrub Hub is a disaster in the making and poses an unacceptable risk to our climate and environment.

“This shameful catalogue of Woodside’s flimsy environmental and safety record — which includes an oil spill, a whale calf collision, and abandoning pieces of fossil fuel junk in our oceans — adds to the mounting evidence that Woodside can’t be trusted, and is why we’re taking them to court.

“Woodside’s Burrup Hub gas project is Australia’s biggest climate threat. Over its proposed 50-year lifetime, it would spew the equivalent of 13 times Australia’s annual greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, driving climate-fuelled disasters across the country and around the world. 

“It also poses major risks to pristine environments like Scott Reef, where Woodside plans to drill up to 50 gas wells, a pristine ecosystem and vital habitat for migrating pygmy blue whales and threatened green sea turtles.

“Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek will soon make a critical decision on whether to approve Woodside’s Burrub Hub mega project. This decision will define the government’s legacy on nature protection — we’re calling on the Minister to look at the facts and say no to this monstrous project.”


The full report can be found here 

High res images and footage of Scott Reef, Greenpeace actions against Woodside, and the Burrup Hub can be found here

For more information or interviews contact Frankie Adkins on 0402 316 996 or frankie.adkins@greenpeace.org Kate O’Callaghan on 0406 231 892 or kate.ocallaghan@greenpeace.org

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