ACE’s List of Farmed Animal Advocacy Organizations

ACE’s List of Farmed Animal Advocacy Organizations

A few years ago, the Programs team at Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE) assembled a longlist of charities to select from when considering which charities to invite for evaluation. This is a list of all farmed animal advocacy organizations around the world that we are aware of, collated from existing directories such as the World Federation for Animals Directory.

More recently, ACE has also used this list to help estimate the neglectedness of farmed animal advocacy within each country, which informs our Impact Potential assessment for the charities we evaluate.

ACE’s List of Farmed Animal Advocacy Organizations

A public version of the list is saved here—we encourage others in the movement to use it as they find fit. It comprises a list of farmed animal advocacy charities around the world and a provisional estimate of the number of farmed animal advocacy charities per country. The list is not exhaustive, and we expect it will contain some significant omissions. We plan to continue updating this list, so we welcome suggestions for additional charities to include and for any other relevant sources of information.

ACE also evaluates charities that focus on wild animal welfare (of which there are very few), but this list solely includes farmed animal advocacy charities.

N.B. The charities listed are not necessarily endorsed by ACE, and each charity may or may not agree with ACE’s mission or methods.

Inclusion criteria

The charities included in this list appear to dedicate a significant proportion of their resources to farmed animal advocacy. This includes charities that primarily focus on other areas (e.g., animals used for entertainment, companion animals, or environmental conservation). In practice, “a significant proportion” is difficult to define and assess, so this list is inevitably somewhat subjective.

While we greatly value the work done by organizations offering direct help to farmed animals (for example, by providing veterinary care and shelter for rescued farmed animals), ACE does not currently view direct help as being a high priority when compared to other animal advocacy interventions. As such, this list does not include charities that are exclusively, or near-exclusively, focused on direct help. However, it does include such organizations that appear to dedicate a significant proportion of their resources to broader efforts to change public opinion, policy, or industry practices related to farmed animals. Again, this interpretation is bound to be somewhat subjective, and we welcome suggestions for additional charities to include.


Based on this list, when accounting for headquarters and subsidiaries, the global distribution of farmed animal advocacy organizations meeting our inclusion criteria is set out in the figure below.

The ten countries with the highest number of farmed animal advocacy organizations that we are aware of are:

United States (285 organizations)
United Kingdom (96 organizations)
Germany (70 organizations)
Australia (50 organizations)
Canada (47 organizations)
India (45 organizations)
France (39 organizations)
Brazil (36 organizations)
Netherlands (34 organizations)
China (33 organizations)​

There are 75 countries where we have currently no record of farmed animal advocacy organizations that meet our inclusion criteria. The ten largest of these countries, by human population, are:

Burkina Faso

Sources used

50by40 members
Animal Advocacy Africa participants
Animal Advocacy Careers job board
Animal Rights Map
Aquatic Animal Alliance members
Asia for Animals Coalition
Charity Entrepreneurship incubated charities
EA Animal Welfare Fund recipients
Eurogroup for Animals members
Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organizations members
Greenbaum Foundation grantees
Open Philanthropy Farm Animal Welfare grant recipients
Open Wing Alliance members
ProVeg grant recipients
World Federation for Animals Directory

The post ACE’s List of Farmed Animal Advocacy Organizations appeared first on the Animal Charity Evaluators blog.

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