ENN merging with Canary Media

I’m excited to share some big news!

Early next year, Energy News Network will be joining forces with Canary Media, an independent nonprofit media outlet that reports on clean energy and solutions to climate change.

Canary Media launched in the Spring of 2021 and has since become a leading outlet covering the clean energy transition across the U.S. You’ve probably noticed that their stories frequently appear in our newsletters and on our website. 

Canary and ENN share a similar mission, and the two outlets complement each other. Our combined team brings together decades of experience in journalism, fundraising, product development, and media operations.

You’ll be sure to see some changes – in the coming months our websites will be merging under the Canary Media brand. But you can count on the same incisive, comprehensive journalism that you’ve come to expect. 

Together, Canary Media and ENN will continue to  produce great state- and region-focused stories, along with ENN’s five current daily newsletters and Energy News Weekly. In other words, we’ll keep doing what we do – only more of it and even better than before.

As a reader of the Energy News Network, you are an important part of this process. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at paulman@fresh-energy.org with any questions, thoughts, or well-wishes. And if you are not already, please consider supporting this transition with a one-time or monthly donation. 

As always, thank you for reading. 

ENN merging with Canary Media is an article from Energy News Network, a nonprofit news service covering the clean energy transition. If you would like to support us please make a donation.

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